domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Ovarian Cycle Review

Modest suppression of pituitary gonadotropin
secretion during pill intake and recovery of FSH release
during the pill-free week creates a situation resembling the
early follicular phase of the normal menstrual cycle and
allows for substantial residual ovarian activity.

Resting primordial follicles continuously enter the growing
pool throughout life (for review see Refs. 1–3). The magnitude
of depletion of the primordial follicle pool is dependent
on age and is most pronounced during fetal
development. Oocytes are detectable in fetal ovaries after 16
weeks of gestational age. The great majority of oocytes are
lost after the fifth month of intrauterine life, when a maximum
of approximately 7 million germ cells have been reported
(3). The presence of growing follicles in fetal ovaries
has been substantiated extensively (4). At birth, both ovaries
contain approximately 1 million primordial follicles. Reproductive
life starts with approximately 0.5 million primordial
follicles at menarche. Thereafter, loss of follicles takes place
at a fixed rate of around 1000 per month, accelerating beyond
the age of 35. Studies in the rat model suggest indeed
that follicle loss is inversely related to the number of primordial
follicles present in the ovaries (9). Once follicles are
stimulated to grow, they can either reach full maturation and
ovulate or become atretic. Follicles are present in the ovary
at different stages of development, and large numbers of
follicles of different sizes can be observed at any given point
of the menstrual cycle (10). The distribution of developmental
stages of follicles entering atresia may vary with age (11).
It is generally believed that, especially at an early age, loss of
follicles is largely due to atresia of primordial follicles (12).
It is unknown as yet which factors regulate initiation of
growth of primordial follicle (12, 13) and whether maturing
follicles may enter atresia at all developmental stages.

When primordial follicles enter the growth phase they
enlarge by an increase in size of the oocyte together with
granulosa cell proliferation (primary follicle). Transition into
the secondary follicle stage involves alignment of stroma
around the basal lamina and the development of an independent
blood supply. The stroma subsequently differentiates
into a theca externa (similar to surrounding stroma cells)
and a theca interna layer. Theca interna cells express LH
receptors early on (15). Development of an antral cavity (at
a follicle size ;100 to 200 mm) divides granulosa cells in cells
surrounding the oocyte (cumulus) and cells that border the
basement membrane. During early preantral follicle development,
FSH receptors also become detectable on granulosa
cells. The time span between a primary and an early
antral follicle in the human is unknown but is proposed to
be several months. Subsequent stages from early antral to
preovulatory follicles exhibit clear morphological characteristics,
and the time interval is assessed to be approximately 3 months.
An increase in the
number of granulosa cells is critically important for the advancement
in developmental stages of the follicle.

Under normal conditions, only about 400 follicles reach the
mature preovulatory stage and ovulate in a lifetime. Hence,
loss of follicles due to atresia — with apoptosis [i.e. programmed
cell death (18)] as the underlying cellular mechanism—
rather than growth and subsequent ovulation should
be considered the normal fate of follicles. The importance of
oxidative stress in inducing atresia (19) and gonadotropins
and various growth factors (‘survival factors’) to suppress
apoptosis (20, 21) has been emphasized recently. FSH decreases
apoptosis in granulosa cells obtained from hypophysectomized
rats (22) and prevents apoptotic changes of cultured
preovulatory follicles.

In the human the process of initiation of follicle growth
and subsequent exhaustion of the resting pool of primordial
follicles appears to be regulated independently of stimulation
by gonadotropins (24). Follicles become dependent on
stimulation by FSH only at an advanced developmental
stage, as will be discussed later.
For instance,
follicles grow up to the early antral stage in long-term hypophysectomized
It appears in the human that follicle development
up to the antral stage continues throughout life until
depletion of follicles around menopause, even under conditions
in which endogenous gonadotropin release is diminished
substantially (5, 29). Such conditions include prepubertal
childhood (30 –33), pregnancy (34 –37), and the use of
steroid contraceptives (see Section IV). In addition, follicle
growth up to the early antral stage has been described in
women with absent gonadotropin secretion, either due to
hypophysectomy, as discussed by Block (1), or to hypothalamic/
pituitary failure.

In the rat
model it has been suggested that theca cell differentiation
and early preantral follicle growth is dependent on subtle
stimulation byLH.

In contrast to early follicle development, stimulation by
FSH is an absolute requirement for development of large
antral preovulatory follicles. Duration and magnitude of FSH.
stimulation will determine the number of follicles with augmented
aromatase enzyme activity and subsequent E2 biosynthesis.
High FSH levels usually occurring during the luteo-
follicular transition give rise to continued growth of a
limited number (cohort) of follicles. Subsequent development
of this cohort during the follicular phase becomes dependent
on continued stimulation by gonadotropins.
in the human only a single follicle from the cohort is
selected to gain dominance and ovulate every cycle. Remaining
cohort follicles enter atresia due to insufficient support
by reduced FSH levels. The only exception to this rule is
familial dizygotic twins in which ongoing growth and ovulation
of multiple follicles occur (46, 47). A reduced rate of
follicle atresia due to altered intrafollicular steroidogenesis
independent from gonadotropins has recently been proposed
as the underlying cause

Intrafollicular endocrine changes: The majority of enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of
ovarian steroids belong to the cytochrome P-450 gene family
(for review see Refs. 49 and 50). This group of enzymes
includes: 1) Cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzymes (P-
450SCC), which convert cholesterol to pregnenolone. 2) The
P-450C17 enzyme (involving both 17a-hydroxylase and
C17,20-lyase activity) converts both progestins (pregnenolone
and progesterone) to androgens [dihydroepiandrosterone
and androstenedione (AD), respectively]. 3) The aromatase
enzyme complex (P-450A ROM), converts androgens [AD
and testosterone (T)] to estrogens (estrone and E2, respectively)

Two enzymes that are not members of the P-450 gene
family are also important for gonadal steroid synthesis: 3bhydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase, converting D5-steroids
(such as pregnenolone) to D4-steroids (such as progesterone),
and 17 ketosteroid reductase converting AD to T and estrone
to E2.
The cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme represents the
major rate-limiting step in steroid hormone synthesis. Moreover,
proteins involved in the acquisition of cholesterol (including
lipoprotein receptors and enzymes involved in de
novo cholesterol synthesis) have also been shown to be im-

In vitro studies using cells isolated from human ovarian
follicles have demonstrated convincingly that theca cells are
the source of follicular androgens (54, 55) — predominantly
AD(56, 57)—whereas granulosa cells only produce E2 when
androgens are added to the culture medium (58–60). In the
human ovarian follicle, immunocytochemistry (with the use
of antibodies against specific enzymes, allowing direct visualization
of the distribution of the enzyme in tissue) as well
as Northern blot analysis of RNA has shown the P-450C17
enzyme to be restricted to the theca cell layer (61, 62), consistent
with the notion that these cells are the major site of
intrafollicular androgen production. mRNA levels for
P-450C17 are increased dramatically in preovulatory follicles
(63), which correlate well with augmented 17a-hydroxylase
activity of human theca cells in culture
. However,
appreciable quantities of mRNA (63, 65, 66) and the aromatase
enzyme (62, 67) were observed in dominant follicles
in the late follicular phase. These observations are in keeping
with the high level of aromatase enzyme activity expressed
in vitro by granulosa cells obtained from preovulatory follicles
(59, 68). In addition, mRNA expression is in good agreement
with immunolocalization of the aromatase enzyme
(66). Synthesis of the P-450AROM enzyme could also be
induced by FSH administration to human granulosa cells in
culture (69). When follicles mature, granulosa cells also exhibit
elevated mRNA levels for P-450SCC, LH receptor, activin,
and inhibin (70).

The theca interna layer of developing follicles responds to
LH and synthesizes androgens (71, 72). AD and its immediate
metabolite T are transferred from the theca layer to the
intrafollicular compartment. For this reason these steroids
are present in large quantities in ovarian follicles of all sizes
and represent the main steroid produced by early antral
follicles (73–75). Atretic follicles of all sizes (between 2 and
13 mm diameter) also contain high androgen levels (57, 76)
and low E2 concentrations (77). Granulosa cells become responsive
to FSH only at more advanced stages of development
and are capable of converting the theca cell-derived
substrate AD to E2 by induction of the aromatase enzyme.
This so-called ‘two-gonadotropin, two-cell’ concept emphasizes
that adequate stimulation of both theca cells by LH and
granulosa cells by FSH is required for adequate E2 biosynthesis,
as has been recognized since the 1940s
Large (.8 mm diameter) follicles in the mid- and late
follicular phase of the menstrual cycle contain appreciable
(up to 10,000-fold) higher quantities of E2 compared with
small follicles, as has been shown by numerous authors (60,
75, 76, 83–87). Intrafollicular E2 concentrations were up to
40,000-fold higher than those in peripheral plasma, and 20
It has
been demonstrated in IVF patients that a correlation exists
between the E2/androgen ratio in follicle fluid and follicular
health and fertility potential of oocytes
The magnitude of E2 synthesized by granulosa cells in vitro
is dependent on the size of the follicle from which cells were
obtained, with AD metabolized to E2 only by granulosa cells
from follicles beyond 8–10 mm in diameter (59, 68, 92). Follicle
fluid E2 concentrations are also correlated with the
amount of aromatase activity expressed in vitro (60). In addition,
granulosa cells in culture produce larger quantities of
E2 in response to similar doses of FSH if cells were obtained
from larger (.8 mm) follicles (59, 68, 92), suggesting increased

Numerous in vitro studies have shown for the rat model
that E2 plays important autocrine roles in stimulating FSHinduced
granulosa cell proliferation (76, 96), aromatase enzyme
induction (97–99), production of inhibin (100), increase
in E2 and FSH receptors (101), and formation of LH receptors
on granulosa cells (102, 103). In addition, E2 exhibits a paracrine
action on adjacent theca cells by inhibiting androgen

Based on these observations,
the concept has arisen that augmented intrafollicular
E2 production is a conditio sine qua non for ongoing
follicle maturation. In fact, absent induction of aromatase
enzyme activity has been widely accepted as the underlying
cause of follicle maturation arrest and subsequent anovulation
in PCOS.
In another patient suffering from a
partial P-450C17 (17, 20-lyase step) deficiency, follicle growth
could also be achieved after the administration of exogenous
FSH despite low intrafollicular E2 levels.

Despite a significant increase in serum
FSH levels, in the same order of magnitude as the intercycle
rise in FSH during the normal menstrual cycle, serum E2
levels remained low. However, development of multiple preovulatory
follicles emerged within 14 days. In a single subject,
three large follicles between 13 and 18 mm in diameter
were aspirated, and extremely low intrafollicular levels of
AD and E2 were found

These observations in the human confirm the two-cell, twogonadotropin
concept for adequate E2 synthesis but also
demonstrate convincingly that increased E2 production is not
mandatory for normal follicle growth up to the preovulatory
stage. It is still uncertain whether estrogen receptors are present
on granulosa cells from higher primates, including the human.
Collectively, these data suggest that in the human, E2 is not
required for follicle development. It appears that, under normal
conditions, augmented E2 synthesis is merely associated
with dominant follicle development, where growth of the
follicle is, in fact, driven by other nonsteroidal (growth) factors.

During the follicular phase of the normal menstrual cycle
E2 is clearly important for other crucial physiological processes
such as stimulation of endometrial proliferation, cervical
mucus production, and induction of the midcycle LH
surge and subsequent ovulation. Whether oocyte maturation
in the human requires exposure to estrogens remains unclear
at this stage

Ovarian response to exogenous
gonadotropins (as estimated by rising serum E2 levels)
was equal, regardless of whether gonadotropins were administered
in the follicular or midluteal phase of the cycle
The dominant follicle requires continued
though reduced support by FSH. In fact, growth of a single
dominant follicle could be sustained in GnRH antagonisttreated
monkeys by the administration of exogenous FSH in
decremental doses (Fig. 4) (143), suggesting enhanced sensitivity
for FSH when the dominant follicle matures.

Early follicular phase administration of E2
caused a significant reduction in serum FSH and a lengthening
of the follicular phase (144). Moreover, administration
of antiestrogen antibodies in the early to midfollicular phase
gives rise to elevated serum FSH levels, which interferes with
single dominant follicle selection resulting in ongoing maturation
of additional cohort follicles

provide in vivo evidence for
the concept that gonadotropin-responsive follicles are maintained
throughout the entire cycle. Follicles can be stimulated
to ongoing and gonadotropin-dependent development
when the appropriate endocrine signal (i.e. elevated serum
FSH levels) is operative. Under normal conditions, elevated
FSH concentrations are present during the luteo-follicular
transition only. Augmented E2 production by the most mature
(dominant) follicle starting around the midfollicular
phase causes a subsequent decrease in FSH levels due to
negative feedback effects of E2 on the hypothalamic-pituitary
axis. The dominant follicle restricts ongoing maturation of
other, less mature follicles from the cohort since FSH levels
drop below their threshold for stimulation of gonadotropindependent
growth. The dominant follicle is spared from the
inhibitory influence of reduced FSH stimulation because of
increased sensitivity to FSH

FSH threshold and follicle recruitment. Due to the demise of
the corpus luteum and the subsequent decrease in estrogen
production (148), FSH levels rise at the end of the luteal phase
of the human menstrual cycle (149). This intercycle rise is
closely synchronized with ovulation, and FSH levels start to
increase 12 days after the preceding LH surge (150). As
mentioned previously, initiation of growth of primordial
follicles occurs continuously and in a random fashion

only follicles that happen to be at a more advanced
stage of development during the intercycle rise in
FSH will gain gonadotropin dependence. The concept that
FSH concentrations above a certain level, referred to as the
‘FSH threshold,’ are needed for ovarian stimulation was first
introduced by Brown in 1978 (151) and substantiated more
recently by Schoemaker and colleagues. The individual variation
in FSH serum levels at which follicle growth was initiated
could be assessed to be between 5.7 and 12.0 IU/liter
with the use of intravenous administration of gonadotropins
in PCOS patients.

The threshold level should be
surpassed to ensure ongoing preovulatory follicle development.
This process of rescue of a cohort of follicles from
atresia by FSH stimulation is referred to by most authors as
‘recruitment.The recruited cohort represents a group of
follicles at a comparable (but not identical) developmental
stage. This group of follicles, by chance, happened to leave
the pool of resting follicles around the same period of time
several months before. In contrast, other investigators reserve
this term for the initiation of growth of primordial
follicles. Morphological and endocrine studies suggest that healthy
early antral follicles less than 4 mm in diameter are present
throughout the cycle (89), in keeping with the concept that follicles are continuously available for stimulation by FSH
At the end of the luteal phase, the largest healthy follicles
observed by morphological criteria have been described to be
between 2 to 5 mm in diameter (10, 89, 154), and the number
of recruitable follicles present is believed to be between 10
and 20 for both ovaries.

The largest healthy
follicles at the start of the follicular phase of the cycle have
been reported to exhibit a diameter between 4 and 8 mm (94,
155), and no morphological differences exist between these
follicles. These observations strongly suggest that the dominant
follicle is selected at a later stage of the follicular phase
of the cycle. Indeed, exogenous HMG administered during
different phases of the menstrual cycle is most effective in
stimulating follicle recruitment if administered during the
late luteal or early follicular phase.

Enucleation of the corpus luteum in 10 women
was followed by an immediate and rapid decline of E2 and
progesterone levels. This was followed by rising FSH levels,
renewed follicle growth, and ovulation within 16–19 days
after enucleation (159). These experimental results are in full

If the intercycle rise in
serum FSH is shortened by the early to midfollicular phase
administration of GnRH antagonist, follicle growth is arrested
and new follicle recruitment will follow once medication
is withdrawn
It may
be proposed that the follicle selected to gain dominance is the
one that has most rapidly acquired the highest sensitivity for
FSH. This may be the follicle that was at the most advanced
developmental stage when recruited.

with more pronounced E2 production
by cells obtained from larger follicles (59, 68, 92, 162).
Responsiveness to FSH stimulation is also increased in preovulatory
follicles (164). In addition, in the late follicular
phase, steroidogenic function of granulosa cells from the
dominant follicle is also stimulated by LH (165). Finally,
observations in the monkey suggest that increased vascularization
of individual follicles (resulting in the preferential
exposure to circulating factors) may also be instrumental in
the selective maturation of preovulatory follicles
The FSH ‘gate’ (168) or
‘window’ (169, 170) (Fig. 6, upper panel) concept has been
introduced to emphasize the significance of a transient elevation
of FSH above the threshold. This concept emphasizes
the importance of time (i.e. duration of elevated FSH levels)
rather than dose (magnitude of FSH elevation) for single
dominant follicle selection
However, it seems that the initiation
of declining serum FSH levels precedes augmented
ovarian estrogen output. We have observed a clear association
between the magnitude of decrease in endogenous FSH
serum levels and the E2 rise, indicating that the duration of
FSH stimulation (duration of serum FSH above the threshold)
is a major determinant for ovarian E2 production.
The magnitude of multiple
follicle growth in IVF patients has been shown to be
proportional to the late follicular phase accumulation of FSH
in serum (172). These experiments confirm that the duration
(related to the window concept) rather than the magnitude
(threshold concept) of FSH stimulation determines the number
of developing follicles.
Inhibin levels did not change during the early
follicular phase.

Follicular phase serum patterns of
inhibin A appear to be comparable to previously used less
specific assays (175). In contrast, a profound rise in inhibin
B serum levels was observed early in the follicular phase,
suggesting that it is secreted by recently recruited cohort
follicles in response to FSH. This rapid rise in inhibin B occurs
just after the intercycle rise in FSH. It may be proposed that
inhibin B limits the duration of the FSH rise (narrowing the
FSH window) through negative feedback at the pituitary
level and may therefore be crucial for mono follicle development.
Follicles could be visualized from
8–10mmonward (181), and usually two to three follicles per
ovary could be identified. Growth of the dominant follicle is generally
mentioned to be linear, with a mean daily growth rate
around 2–3 mm

TVU: Up to 11 follicles (.2 mm in diameter)
could be observed throughout the cycle in each ovary, and
a dominant follicle could be visualized from 10 mm onward
(Fig. 9) on cycle day 9 (Table 1). The size of nondominant
follicles visualized by TVS always remains below 11 mm.
The ultrasound observation of dominant follicle
selection correlates strongly with a sudden increase in serum
E2 concentrations

1. Heterogeneity of FSH. Variant forms of FSH are synthesized
and secreted by the anterior pituitary, on the basis of differences
in oligosaccharide structure of these glycoproteins
as well as the number of incorporated terminal sialic acid
Depending on the sophistication of techniques
used, up to 20 isoforms have been characterized for
human FSH. Heavily sialylated (more acidic) FSH has been
described to exhibit reduced receptor binding and in vitro.
bioactivity, whereas circulating half-life of these forms is
extended. These forms may be desialylated in the circulation.
In contrast, basic isoforms have been described to be more
biopotent in vitro (2- to 5-fold), whereas the circulating halflife
is significantly reduced.

It has been speculated that ovarian follicles are
recruited in the early follicular phase (when gonadal steroid
feedback is low) predominantly by more acidic FSH isoforms,
whereas follicle selection and rupture later during the
follicular phase is dependent chiefly on more basic FSH

The majority of growth factors, such as
insulin-like growth factors (IGF) (226), transforming growth
factor-b, fibroblast growth factor, and activin (227), have
been shown to enhance FSH action in vitro. In contrast, other
growth factors have been shown to inhibit FSH-stimulated E2
biosynthesis by cultured human or primate granulosa cells,
including inhibin (228), epidermal growth factor (229 –231),
and IGF binding protein (IGFBPs) (232). Decreased follicle
fluid epidermal growth factor and transforming growth factor-
a concentrations have been described when follicles mature
(233–235). Moreover, white blood cell-derived cytokines,
such as like tumor necrosis factor, interferon, or
interleukins, have been proposed to be relevant for human
ovarian physiology.

Expression of IGF-II and their
binding protein (IGFBPs), as well as IGF receptors, has been
shown to be dependent on the developmental stage of the
follicle (238, 239). IGFBP-3 was shown to exhibit structural
similarity with the FSH-binding inhibitor (240), and the IGFBP
profile in follicle fluid has been described to vary during
follicle development, independent from changes in serum
(241). Moreover, proteases capable of specifically decreasing
the level of IGFBP-4 could be demonstrated in estrogendominant
follicle fluid only

Ovarian manipulation
HMG preparations (FSH to LH activity ratio,
1:1), obtained from urine of postmenopausal women, are
administered to stimulate follicle growth, whereas pregnant
women provide the urine source for hCG preparations (with
LH-like activity) to induce ovulation.
It should be stressed that the goal of induction of
ovulation is completely different from ‘controlled’ ovarian
hyperstimulation for IVF, where the goal is to interfere with
selection of a single dominant follicle to obtain multiple
oocytes for IVF.
The threshold level was arbitrarily
extrapolated from the first day a follicle beyond 12mmcould
be observed by transabdominal ultrasound or TVS. No difference
in the FSH threshold was observed, comparingHMG
vs. FSH.

For a given anovulatory woman, FSH levels ‘within
the normal range’ may simply mean FSH levels below the
threshold for ovarian stimulation. Hence, only the intercycle
rise in FSH above the threshold may be lacking in these

Normogonadotropic anovulatory women frequently suffer
from PCOS. This heterogeneous group of patients is characterized
by ovarian abnormalities (polycystic ovaries) combined
with distinct endocrine features (elevated serum LH
and/or androgen levels) (282). Various lines of evidence
indicate that early follicle development is normal in these
patients, whereas anovulation is caused by disturbed dominant
follicle selection (74). This abnormal condition may be
caused by disturbed intraovarian regulation of FSH action
(129), and therefore response to exogenous FSH may be different
from normal. Hence, the presence or absence of ovarian
abnormalities in patients may influence treatment outcome
after exogenously administered gonadotropins. This
may explain major differences in the FSH threshold and
duration of stimulation needed to induce preovulatory follicle
development in these patients.

Correlations between serum
E2 levels and number and size of follicles have been studied
(194, 306), and it was shown that E2 production is the net
result of all developing follicles. This is in sharp contrast to
normal follicle development where estrogens are produced
by a single dominant follicle only.
Concomitant medication, in addition to gonadotropins,
may include: 1) dexamethasone suppression of adrenal androgen
production (310); 2) GnRH agonists to suppress endogenous
release of LH (and FSH) (311, 312); 3) dopamine
agonists therapy in case of hyperprolactinemia; 4) GH in an
attempt to improve ovarian responsiveness (313); and 5)
luteal support either by hCG or progestins.

1. Conventional step-up protocol. Conventional step-up dose
regimens for gonadotropin induction of ovulation are characterized
by initial daily doses of two ampoules (5 150 IU of
bioactive FSH). Doses may be increased after 5 days in the
event that ovarian response is judged to be insufficient.
Low dose-regimen: step-up regimen for gonadotropin induction of ovulation has
been the preferred method of stimulation in Europe since
1990. This dose regimen is characterized by low initial daily
gonadotropin doses ranging between one-half and one ampoule
(38–75 IU of bioactive FSH), and doses are only increased
by one-half ampoule per day after 14 days, in cases
of insufficient ovarian response. Pharmacokinetic studies have indicated that it takes approximately
5 days before steady state FSH levels are reached
when similar gonadotropin doses are administered daily
through the intraperitoneal route

Initial dose finding studies have generated a dose regimen
that can be used in clinical practice. We have abandoned the
use of GnRH agonists since 1992 without any loss of clinical
efficacy. A similar FSH dose regimen is applied; i.e. a twoampoule/
day starting dose shortly after a spontaneous or
progestagen-induced bleeding, followed by a decrease to one
and one-half ampoules/day once a dominant follicle can be
visualized by TVS (at least one follicle $ 10 mm). The dose
is further decreased to one ampoule/day 3 days after the first
dose reduction.


- Manipulation of Human Ovarian Function: Physiological
Concepts and Clinical Consequences-1997

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